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Translation Problems

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I am having a problem adding translations to my website. I have used the localization area to add a few different languages.


One problem is when I change to a different languages it makes my center module on main page disappears. It is the container which is holding two photographs advertising different licensing fees. Also the module that holds the worlds Royalty Free Stock Photos etc. disappears.


The other problem is that it is not translating product info. Not the titles or description of the product. It only translates basic information.


I would guess that it is a problem is with the theme I am using. The theme is: vp_photo


But I have no clue on how to fix it. Any help would be much appreciated. 












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Usually a module responsible for displaying such pictures is something like the Theme Configurator and it requires you to upload pictures for each language separately. Maybe you should check the configuration of module that you are using and if there is a language select to upload other pictures.

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But what exactly is not translated?


You apply translations in two ways:


- editing product descriptions and selecting the language there.


- in Localization -> Translations -> and there you choose your theme and have options to translate the shop, the modules etc.


Probably your theme has some phrases translater, but if you added languages you need to fill all the other missing translations.

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