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Setting parameters shipping courier

Artur Fonzarelli

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I set it in a general way the expeditions of my shop, but there are still a couple of key points that I did not understand, and that list below:

A - in the specific product page under "Shipping" what it refers to the value "Shipping Weight"? to the single product weight or what? (In my case we're talking about bottles of wine);

B - in SHIPPING ----> transport costs

there should be the possibility to create the weight ranges in each of which a price (intervals and rates are of course provided by the carrier is applied).


0-5 Kg ----> 10

from 6-10 kg ---> € 15



and so on...

here is my question is: how and where you can apply the above to point B?

I hope I was quite accurate in explaining my need.

Best Regards

Edited by Artur Fonzarelli (see edit history)
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For A. I think it is for single product weight, if multiple items ordered, it will be added up by PrestaShop (cart) or shipping module if it comes as module.


For B. I assume you are using PrestaShop carrier wizard, so there should be to do that at 2nd step - Shipping locations and costs

     - First you need choose "According to total weight." for Bill options

     - Then you will be able to define weight ranges and shipping fee for each delivery zone of the weight range
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