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Module to compose a box of macaroons

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Hello everyone, 

I'm looking for a module which allows to compose a box.
I explain. I want to sell macaroons in boxes.
Customers have to select a box type (size 6, 12, 24) then to pick macaroons in a list to compose it, like "Hey I want 2 vanilla macaroons, then 8 chocolate macaroons, oh no it's a box of 6 only .." something very simple to understand.
The module will block the fulfillment of the box when it's empty and allow the customer to pick a bigger box for example.
There are two websites who uses exactly what I want :
Do you know if there is an existing module who can do what I want, or maybe someone can create it (with payment) ?




Sorry for my bad english, I'm french.

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I saw people in this forum asking for similar module but I did not saw anything in existence. 

To do module just for one client is rather expensive, but if a group of people have similar needs they could share development cost.

Of course if price is not an issue for you then every developer would be happy to help.

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I saw people in this forum asking for similar module but I did not saw anything in existence. 

To do module just for one client is rather expensive, but if a group of people have similar needs they could share development cost.

Of course if price is not an issue for you then every developer would be happy to help.

Thanks for your answer !

I don't know the price range for the development of a module such as that. Have you an idea ?

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To provide you with estimation we need detailed description.

The box is the product from special category?

macaroons are also products from all other categories?

Do you have something else like drinks or something that will not go with package? 

How do we know how much the box can have macaroons? I guess we will need to set up everything in backOffice

It can be from 500$ to 5000$.

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To provide you with estimation we need detailed description.

The box is the product from special category?

macaroons are also products from all other categories?

Do you have something else like drinks or something that will not go with package? 

How do we know how much the box can have macaroons? I guess we will need to set up everything in backOffice

It can be from 500$ to 5000$.


Actually boxes don't exist. In the back office there are several macaroons ( One product = One flavor of macaroons )

Package only contains macaroons, nothing else.

Size of boxes will be 8, 16, 24.

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