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Module :multi vendors

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Hey...i wanna know if theres a module im looking for.

I wanna make a page that a user can upload his products  so he could advertise his products.
My page will be just for advertising the stores and products and not for online orders.
so i want to create 2 forms.One that the owner can register to my site and pay a monthly price.And one for uploading their products.If its possible i want a free module for what i described earlier.if it isnt possible is there anything else i could do? sorry for my english.thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for answering :D now i have another problem.i cant remove all the "add to cart buttons"... pfff i searched all the topics but i didnt get an answer on that.i want the prices to be visible so the cataloge mode doesnt work for me.i even erased from product.tpl a paragraph that saw it may work but nothing.

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The code you are looking for in product.tpl


<div class="box-cart-bottom">
<div{if (!$allow_oosp && $product->quantity <= 0) || !$product->available_for_order || (isset($restricted_country_mode) && $restricted_country_mode) || $PS_CATALOG_MODE} class="unvisible"{/if}>
<p id="add_to_cart" class="buttons_bottom_block no-print">
<button type="submit" name="Submit" class="exclusive">
<span>{if $content_only && (isset($product->customization_required) && $product->customization_required)}{l s='Customize'}{else}{l s='Add to cart'}{/if}</span>

And in product_list.tpl


<div class="button-container">
{if ($product.id_product_attribute == 0 || (isset($add_prod_display) && ($add_prod_display == 1))) && $product.available_for_order && !isset($restricted_country_mode) && $product.customizable != 2 && !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}
{if (!isset($product.customization_required) || !$product.customization_required) && ($product.allow_oosp || $product.quantity > 0)}
{capture}add=1&id_product={$product.id_product|intval}{if isset($product.id_product_attribute) && $product.id_product_attribute}&ipa={$product.id_product_attribute|intval}{/if}{if isset($static_token)}&token={$static_token}{/if}{/capture}
<a class="button ajax_add_to_cart_button btn btn-default" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, $smarty.capture.default, false)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="nofollow" title="{l s='Add to cart'}" data-id-product-attribute="{$product.id_product_attribute|intval}" data-id-product="{$product.id_product|intval}" data-minimal_quantity="{if isset($product.product_attribute_minimal_quantity) && $product.product_attribute_minimal_quantity >= 1}{$product.product_attribute_minimal_quantity|intval}{else}{$product.minimal_quantity|intval}{/if}">
<span>{l s='Add to cart'}</span>
<span class="button ajax_add_to_cart_button btn btn-default disabled">
<span>{l s='Add to cart'}</span>
<a class="button lnk_view btn btn-default" href="{$product.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='View'}">
<span>{if (isset($product.customization_required) && $product.customization_required)}{l s='Customize'}{else}{l s='More'}{/if}</span>

I hope it helps.

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