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Help! Store Won't Load. Can't Locate .htaccess File


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I would be so grateful for any help as I'm not that tech savvy :(


I was making a minor change to my shop using FTP (Coda actually), just swapping an image, and I think i may have accidentally changed something :(


My shop won't load at all now. If you enter the shop URL it just reverts to the parent website. I also cannot access my backend, again just reverts to parent site.


Someone suggested I may have altered/deleted my .htaccess file, and indeed i cannot find it anywhere in the store root directory.


I have some old store back ups. I can't even tell you what version of Prestashop I'm running, but it is old as I haven't updated for quite a while.


If anyone can suggest some options for overcoming this problem, I would be so grateful :))) I've completely lost my shop!


Have attached image of directory as it appears now.post-32081-0-52380000-1458360453_thumb.png

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My shop won't load at all now. If you enter the shop URL it just reverts to the parent website. I also cannot access my backend, again just reverts to parent site.



After moving the store, you need to regenerate the .htaccess file, because it is pointing to old one.
You can go to back office admin page to change the domain name and store folder first  - Preferences - SEO &  URSs  tab.
Make sure the setting is correctly and then click save, it should trigger the .htaccess re-generated.
If that does not work, please try to switch off/save and then switch back on of SEO friednly URL, it should also trigger .htaccess re-generated.
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After moving the store, you need to regenerate the .htaccess file, because it is pointing to old one.
You can go to back office admin page
Thanks, but I haven't moved the store? So I don't know what you mean.
Also, as I have said in my post, I can't access the back office admin at all... so I can't follow your suggestions.
Is there a way I can generate the .htaccess file by going straight to the files using FTP?


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There is no error message. Entering the shop URL just reverts to the parent website (my online shop is linked to my main website). Same thing happens when I try to access back end. The URL reverts to the parent website. eg 'www.site.com/online-shop' reverts to 'www.site.com'. I have no idea why, or what I have done :(

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I think your store previous was under www.site.com, but later you moved to www.site.com/online-shop, is that correct?

have you tried to rename .htaccess under both folder and see if it works?


you may also try to change the setting in database directly in following table


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Thanks everyone for your help. I ended up checking store directory against files and folders from my back up, and discovered I had accidentally deleted the 'Classes' folder. Just replaced it from my back up, and everything is up and running again :) Must be more careful with FTP changes...

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