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Module Or Solution For Facebook Product Feed?


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Is there some module or feed what helps me autocratically import products to Facebook Product Catalog?

Or can some one share Facebook product csv file as example?


I want to use Dynamic Product Ads in Facebook, but for that I need import my products to Facebook. All my searches about PrestaShop and Facebook - doesn't give nothing yet. There is lot of modules about posting and liking - or even for full shop, but now Facebook Product Feed.



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Hello, we just released this: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/23671-facebook-product-ads-facebook-pixel.html


For information, if you already own our Google Merchant Center module, Facebook will accept the Google format. However, we still recommend getting this one so you can have separate feeds and better control which products you send to each platform.


Moreover, you need the Facebook Pixel code which is included in this module in a very robust and comprehensive way, tracking all different pages on your PrestaShop.

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