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Module License

David S Johnston

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Hi all,


I have a possibly strange question, but I could not find an answer to it in the forums, so here goes:


Do paid modules have a license? what I am getting at is if I purchase a module, am I allowed to use it on however many sites I like, or is it a per domain license?  The reason I am asking is that I have a test site and a live site, and before I install any modules on my live site I would like to test them on the test site, without having to buy the module twice (once for test and once for live). Is there an issue with that?





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9. Intellectual Property
The Client only benefits from a simple license of use of the Addons downloaded, which is non-exclusive, personal and non-assignable, globally, and for the entire duration of the copyright. This license is valid for only one Shop.
The Clients using the Multi-Shop undertake to settle with PrestaShop for additional user licenses, i.e., a license per Shop,


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