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Change Carrier Price/free Shipping Text


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That is more complicated. The simple way to do it is only having that display in order-carriers.tpl, checking which id is currently used in the loop, and displaying what you want for the price. Otherwise it's definitely complex, and you need an insane number of modifications to add other parameters to carriers, and have them display during the checkout

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That is more complicated. The simple way to do it is only having that display in order-carriers.tpl, checking which id is currently used in the loop, and displaying what you want for the price. Otherwise it's definitely complex, and you need an insane number of modifications to add other parameters to carriers, and have them display during the checkout


Hello Nemo1, thanks for the help. I'm having some difficulties understanding where I can get carrier block ID. The only way I can target them is via radio button value.


Actually I was modifying the Html field via jQuery but it brings some problems...:


-The carriers block only loads after saving address = I have to execute a setTimeout function (i think it is not good method).


- If the user doesn't allow geolocation it ignores that code in my javascript :S


This is the code i have..


function saveButtonFunction(){
   $("#submitGuestAccount").live("click", function(){
   setTimeout(countryChecker, 1000);
function countryChecker(){
   if($(".delivery_option_radio [value=86,]").val() == "86,"){
      $(".delivery_option .delivery_option_price").remove();
   else if($(".delivery_option_radio [value=85,]").val() == "85,"){
      $(".delivery_option .delivery_option_price").remove();
Best Regards
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I did by modifying order-carrier.tpl in the delivery option I did something like this..


{elseif $carrier.instance->name == 'Name of carrier you want to add exception'}
{l s='Sob Consulta'}
Note: this is only for the front end (thats what is needed), the price is set to "free" in BO.
Edited by LazyCircles (see edit history)
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