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Change Product Condition Labels

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I would like to change product condition labels.

In particular I wish to put:


Excellent -> instead of New

Good -> instead of Used

Fair - > instead of Refurbished


Anyone can help me ? (PS 1.6)


Thank you! 

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  • 3 months later...

You can change the text on the translation page: "Localization > Translations" and select "Front Office translations".


Thank you, I'll make a try; but what do you mean to make it from back office (=editor of hosting service ?)

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Simple 3 steps to follow


Step 1.


have to change enum values of ps_product table condition column


 here is the alter query


ALTER TABLE `ns_product` CHANGE `condition` `condition` ENUM( 'new', 'best', 'recommended' )

CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new';


add your own conditions to ENUM('Con1','Con2','Con3','Con4',etc) don't forget to change DEFAULT value


Step 2


goto informations.tpl in   admin271rugsds/themes/default/template/controllers/products/informations.tpl


and search for condition word. now edit the select box options which you gave in DB Table ENUM value


like this

<select name="condition" id="condition">
<option value="Con1" {if $product->condition == 'Con1'}selected="selected"{/if} >{l s='Con1DisplayName'}</option>
<option value="Con2" {if $product->condition == 'Con2'}selected="selected"{/if} >{l s='Con2DisplayName'}</option>
<option value="Con3" {if $product->condition == 'Con3'}selected="selected"{/if}>{l s='Con3DisplayName'}</option>


step 3


goto Product.php in /classes/Product.php


find for condition word. now make changes like this


'condition' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'shop' => true, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'values' => array('Con1', 'Con2', 'Con3','Con4'), 'default' => 'Con1'),


happy coding

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