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Display 'online Only' In Product List


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I solved it by myself. Maybe someone could have the same necessity, so I share with you my solution:


In Product-List.tpl I put this code where I want to show the text "Online Only":

{if isset($product.online_only) && $product.online_only == true}
<p class="online_only">{l s='Online only'}</p>{/if}
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referring to this subject,

I modified the product-list.tpl file in many ways, even like your sugestion in this topic but the only place where the result it's OK is in the site search results, but not in the product list with the other products from the same category (like in the 2 images that i attached).


For me it will be OK even if I can alterate the "available" green text or to have the extra "online only" red text, but in the long list with the all products from one category.


Thank you.

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