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Join To Folders With Some Modifications


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i have a big question, i try to explain in simple way, i have in folder1 a old prestashop website and in folder2 a updated prestashop with a great modifications...


The folder2 is a copy from folder1, when i modify folder2 the folder1 still online receive some orders and messages, i like to know how i can use the all changes from folder2 to replace on folder1.


I just need to replace all files from the full folder2 and everything works fine or i need to take some attention in something?


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back up folder1


remove content from folder1


move folder2 to folder1


go to back office, change your shop url (non Multishop) back office-->preferences-->seo&urls


This should regenerate the .htaccess, but to make sure turn friendly url's on/off or off/on depending on currect shop setup


Also a good time to clear 'ps cache' and 'your browser cache'.

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