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How To Get A Own Value In Cart.php?

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modul jquery ajax function:
function addMyCard(design_id,qty){
        url: '{if isset($root_path)}{$root_path}{/if}?rand=1452930999029',
        type: 'post',
        data: 'add=1' + '&ajax=true' + '&controller=cart' + '&id_product=' + {if isset($product_id)}{$product_id}{/if} + '&id_clipart=56cdc6f8c94f9' + '&qty=' + qty + '&token=' + $("input[name=token]").val() + '&ipa=' + $("#ipa").val(),
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function(json) {
            window.location = '{if isset($root_path)}{$root_path}{/if}index.php?controller=order';

New Value is id_clipart

data: 'add=1' + '&ajax=true' + '&controller=cart' + '&id_product=' + {if isset($product_id)}{$product_id}{/if} + '&id_clipart=56cdc6f8c94f9' + '&qty=' + qty + '&token=' + $("input[name=token]").val() + '&ipa=' + $("#ipa").val(),

in the Cart.php (override/classes/order)

public function getProducts($refresh = false, $id_product = false, $id_country = null)
$id_clipart = Tools::getValue('id_clipart');
Unfortunately without success :(
Any ideas?
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