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Prestashopdatabaseexception Error While Uploading Csv

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Hello everybody, from a couple of days I receive the following error while trying to upload a csv file. Can you help me out?



Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction

        INSERT INTO `ps_product_tag` (`id_tag`, `id_product`, `id_lang`)
        VALUES (1,43,1),(22981,43,1),(387,43,1),(22982,43,1)

at line 791 in file classes/db/Db.php


786. if ($webservice_call && $errno) {
787. $dbg = debug_backtrace();
788. WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '
 '.$this->getMsgError().'. From '.(isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '').'->'.$dbg[3]['function'].'() Query was : '.$sql, 97);
789. } elseif (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) {
790. if ($sql) {
791. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError().'<br /><br /><pre>'.$sql.'</pre>');
792. }
794. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError());
795. }
796. }
  • DbCore->displayError - [line 425 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments]
    420. $this->result = $this->_query($sql);
    421. }
    422. }
    424. if (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_) {
    425. $this->displayError($sql);
    426. }
    428. return $this->result;
    429. }
  • DbCore->query - [line 601 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments]
    596. {
    597. if ($sql instanceof DbQuery) {
    598. $sql = $sql->build();
    599. }
    601. $this->result = $this->query($sql);
    602. if ($use_cache && $this->is_cache_enabled) {
    603. Cache::getInstance()->deleteQuery($sql);
    604. }
    606. return (bool)$this->result;
  • DbCore->execute - [line 131 - classes/Tag.php] - [1 Arguments]
    126. }
    127. $data = rtrim($data, ',');
    129. $result = Db::getInstance()->execute('
    130.         INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_tag` (`id_tag`, `id_product`, `id_lang`)
    131.         VALUES '.$data);
    133. if ($list != array()) {
    134. self::updateTagCount($list);
    135. }
  • TagCore::addTags - [line 1796 - controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php] - [4 Arguments]
    1791. foreach ($tags as $one_tag) {
    1792. $str .= $one_tag.$this->multiple_value_separator;
    1793. }
    1794. $str = rtrim($str, $this->multiple_value_separator);
    1796. $is_tag_added = Tag::addTags($key, $product->id, $str, $this->multiple_value_separator);
    1797. if (!$is_tag_added) {
    1798. $this->addProductWarning(Tools::safeOutput($info['name']), (int)$product->id, 'Invalid tag(s) ('.$str.')');
    1799. break;
    1800. }
    1801. }
  • AdminImportControllerCore->productImport - [line 3503 - controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php]
    3498. case $this->entities[$import_type = $this->l('Categories')]:
    3499. $this->categoryImport();
    3500. $this->clearSmartyCache();
    3501. break;
    3502. case $this->entities[$import_type = $this->l('Products')]:
    3503. $this->productImport();
    3504. $this->clearSmartyCache();
    3505. break;
    3506. case $this->entities[$import_type = $this->l('Customers')]:
    3507. $this->customerImport();
    3508. break;
  • AdminImportControllerCore->postProcess - [line 178 - classes/controller/Controller.php]
    173. if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) {
    174. $this->setMedia();
    175. }
    177. // postProcess handles ajaxProcess
    178. $this->postProcess();
    180. if (!empty($this->redirect_after)) {
    181. $this->redirect();
    182. }
  • ControllerCore->run - [line 367 - classes/Dispatcher.php]
    362. if (isset($params_hook_action_dispatcher)) {
    363. Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $params_hook_action_dispatcher);
    364. }
    366. // Running controller
    367. $controller->run();
    368. } catch (PrestaShopException $e) {
    369. $e->displayMessage();
    370. }
    371. }
  • DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 58 - admin/index.php]
    53. if (!isset($_REQUEST['controller']) && isset($_REQUEST['tab'])) {
    54. $_REQUEST['controller'] = strtolower($_REQUEST['tab']);
    55. }
    57. // Prepare and trigger admin dispatcher
    58. Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch();
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Hmmz the code itself looks safe.


Do you use MySQL 5.7? You'd better downgrade to 5.6, because 5.7 isn't supported yet.


IMO it must be something related to a hidden 504 error, because it alternates with this one, but I'm not sure. The good thing is the products list get updated anyway. Another possibility may be the tags creation process called by the query, but again I don't know...


SQL version is 5.5.48cll

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