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Manage The Sale Of Products In Unique Pieces

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Hello everyone, I would like to understand how to manage the sale of products in unique pieces.

The problem could arise if a person selects a product then continue in shopping that can last several minutes, then when completely in the meantime if anyone has bought the item will no longer be available.
How can I fix the problem?
I thought of two solutions
1) find a module if there is to lock the product. It should be a time to form the blocks then you have 15 minutes to start the order otherwise then becomes free.
Does anyone know if there is such a thing?
2) other solution may be removed from the availability the product when put into the basket, but in this case it takes a cart in time otherwise if one leaves it in the cart is then not available for other
Someone have any idea how to fix it
Hello and thanks
PS sorry for my English
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