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Error With Bankwire Module: Language File Not Found


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I have an error with bankwire module. In the final step, validation, an error appears saying that the language file is not found. All translations are ok and filled on inside the admin and the translation file is there, so I don't understand very well what is going on.


Anybody know what may be happening?


Thank you in advance for your time.

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Same here, I have english, german and italian, all with the same error: "Error - The language file is missing for: en"

Tried to activate _PS_MODE_DEV_, nothing else is shown.

Unfortunately, I'm working on a crappy server that doesn't show php errors log.


PS and bankwire versions are both the lasts.


I also tried with a copy on MAMP, works fine. It seems a server incompatibility/issue to me.


Translations are in module directory and in themes->mytheme->modules->bankwire.

Edited by antonio9357 (see edit history)
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