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How Do I Migrate A Website From 1 Prestashop Installation To Another New Instalation

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We cant log into the Admin CMS.


The URL keeps on redirecting to the save login screen with "&redirect=AdminDashboard" at the end, even when logging in with the correct login details. Would reinstalling the same version (on a different folder) and then Migrating the files and database to a new installation work? How does a person do this?


 - I have cleared the browser cache & cookies.

 - I have tried different browsers (FireFox & IE & Chrome)

​ - I have Changed the password.

 - I have already cleared the smarty Cache.

 - I have checked the PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL columns for the correct values in ps_configuration table

 - I have Disable the IP check in classes/Cookie.php (this can causes many issues with dynamics IP) : in isLoggedBack(), remove or comment the fourth condition : AND (!isset($this->_content['remote_addr']) OR $this->_content['remote_addr'] == ip2long(Tools::getRemoteAddr()) OR !Configuration::get('PS_COOKIE_CHECKIP'))

 - I have Make the expire time shorter for cookies (IE can have issues with longest time cookies) : in classes/Cookie.php constructor, set : $this->_expire = isset($expire) ? (int)($expire) : (time() + 3600);


Nothing seems to be able to fix this problem.


What else can I do?


Would reinstalling the same version and then Migrating the files and database to a new installation work? How does a person do this?

Edited by [email protected]. (see edit history)
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