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Local Prestashop Installation Refuses To Install Modules

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Hi everyone!


As part of a development project for the company I work for, I'm required to write a PrestaShop module. I have an idea of what I need to do for the module, but I cannot get my module install on my local environment for testing.


When I attempt to "Install" it, get this message:

You need to be logged in to your PrestaShop Addons account in order to update the CartFilter module. Click here to log in.

...(CartFilter being the name of my module) however, when I attempt to log in with said PrestaShop Addons accounts, I get this message:

PrestaShop was unable to log in to Addons. Please check your credentials and your Internet connection.

...baring in mind that this account work perfect on the Addons site, this renders me entirely unable to test my module and puts me in a position where I cannot progress with my task.


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!


System configuration:

OS: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS x64

Using Bitnami XAMPP 5.6.8-0 with the Bitnami Prestashop Module

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Make sure that your module directory, module files and $this->name inside of __construct() function are in lowercase.


Hi polosat


Everything checks out okay, thing is, my PrestaShop module works on my MacBook, but work work on my dev system desktop, same version of PrestaShop, same XAMPP, just a different OS, works on the one, won't work on the other...

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@polosat: I'd love to link you, but due to my work contract I cannot post any code that could identify any customers, company details and such.


That being said, the module works on my MacBook Air, so I might as well finish it there and worry about the workstation when I have time XD. I'll post some code up as soon as I a moment to sanitize it. :P

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I solved by making following changes.


in js/admin.js



function bindAddonsButtons()
    // Method to log on PrestaShop Addons WebServices

In that i just replace the code for AJAX success. There is something wrong in that.


Below is the change which i applied:

success : function(data){
                    var datastring = (data.trim());
                    if (datastring == "OK")
                        window.location.href = currentIndex + '&token=' + token + '&conf=32';
                    else {
                        $('#addons_loading').html('<br><div class="alert alert-danger">'+errorLogin+'</div>');

Hope its work.

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