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Error Sql While Installing Prestashop (12%)

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I'm trying to install PrestaShop, but in when tables are creating (in 12% of instalation) I get an error. Can anyone hepl me, please? I tryed it on several computers, but steel the same error.


  1. Chyba SQL v dotazu All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead



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Since at least 2 weeks, with downloads made from prestashop.com, the file db_structure.sql contains an error that was signaled on github:






on branch 1.6 and branch master we have this wrong statement generating the error mentionned by the OP (and killing the install process):

`id_product_attribute` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,

As this field belong to a primary key, it cannot be NULL.


For some possible corrections :


on branch develop, we have this correction :

`id_product_attribute` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,

on branch 1.6.1.x we have this correction :

`id_product_attribute` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0',

Isn't all this a bit messy ?


Good luck !

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  • 4 weeks later...

Weird stuff.


Best would be 

`id_product_attribute` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

like the rest of the IDs.


It's strange how this got there. Well, I just made a new PR, the more PRs the better. Let's put some pressure on the devs.

I finally managed to solve the problem with reinstalling a new ubuntu 14.01 LTS on the server,
and MYSQL 5.5, and the rest is almost like this site:
I can install it with HHVM too, the problem was with ********mysql5.6 ******* and its new data structure as described on their page:
Finally I found the origin of the problem on this page:
************* so there are conflict on mysql5.6 + *********** new release of Prestashop 1.64
on Nginx as the web server! I have checked it works fine with apache2 but not Nginx with
Neither HVVM nor FPM  :)
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