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Position Newsletter


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  • 4 weeks later...


You need to move the newsletter block from the footer to the left menu of your site.

You can do this by going into your Back-office, Modules-> positions ,

- here you will have to Transplant the Newsletter block module into the displayLeftColumn. 

This way the newsletter block will appear in the frontoffice in the left column, as the last block.

As you described if you want it to be under the categories block, you need to go to the same page, modules->position, and here you will have to reorder in the displayLeftColumn part , so the newsletter block module to be under the block categories module.


Optionally if you don't want to appear the newsletter block in the footer then you can unhook it from the Positions page from the displayFooter part the Newsletter Block module.

Kind regards.

Edited by tech@etiendas.co (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...


you don't need to solve it from POSXXX modules, I have explained you how to do it from prestashop's positionng system.

Regarding css is not loaded, ususlly you have to have the blocknewskletter hooked into displayHeader hook (there is the css included)

Regards, Leo

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