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Voucher On Payment Page


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I have just installed Prestashop and didn't change/customize anything.


I created a Voucher (in Price Rules -> Cart Rules), and the Voucher's box appears on the Summary screen, but it doesn't appear on the Payment screen.

Is there a setting I should/can change?


My problem with this is that the Voucher can be used with "Customer" only (no "Guest" not "Visitor") [Client's decision, don't ask me...].

But if someone who is not logged in adds an item to the sopping cart, and then logs in during checkout only, she will never see the Voucher's box.



In order-payment-classic.tpl there is a condition that may show the voucher block, but it depends on the $use_taxes variable.

What does this variable have to do with the voucher as it doesn't seem to make sense...?


But if I make this voucher block appear (by changing the code in the template), when I submit the voucher, I go back to the summary page, and have to go through all the steps again.

Is there a way around this?




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