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Shipping Cost Not Calculated In Final Price


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Hello dear forum users!


I am lurking on this forum and answers are really helpful - but unfortunately, I cannot find an answer to a problem I all of a sudden have with Prestashop.


Whenever a customer buys a product, shipping costs are not calculated into the price. On the first summary screen, the shipping costs are displayed, but are not added up on the total price. On the payment screen, the shipping costs are missing. Only when a customer pays with PayPal is the shipping included, but Stripe payments does not add shipping costs into the calculation.


Here's a screenshot: post-1115129-0-32507400-1457454601_thumb.jpg


I already contacted Prestashop support, but they were not very helpful unfortunately - the problem still persists and they could not provide me with a solution.


The shipping problem occurred all of a sudden and I tried to backtrace it already, but cannot find the culprit.


I am using Prestashop Cloud.


PrestaShop version

Shop URL http://marvelous-europe.pswebshop.com/


Any answer is of course welcome! Thanks a lot for reading!

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