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Duplicating A Module


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First off, I'm a complete noob at developing for PS.  I'm proficient in php, css, etc, but have never done so in PS.


I'd like to modify the "featured products on homepage" module, but I need to download the base files in order to do so.  Is there a way to get a copy of this?  It was contained in the original install of PS so I'm not sure how to get it.


Also, side note, if I modify csss/templates in the PS core, what happens when it upgrades?



Edit: Whoops, I completely thought I was in the modules forum.   :(

Edited by mbreezy (see edit history)
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You can find the code on Github, but I doubt you need that.


Instead you can just copy the modules\homefeatured directory (with subdirs) inside the modules directory. 


The object should always have the same name as the directory. I don't have experience with this specific module, but usually the quickest way is just to do a search and replace for the name. So if you named your copy homemyfeats you would replace all occurrences of "homefeatured" with that word.


One little caveat: many themes have their own homefeatured modules. These are stored under the theme subdirectory spread over different subdirectories there and they overrule the files under the main modules directory.

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