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[Solucionado] Modificar Ventana Emergente Carrito


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Como se puede modificar la ventana emergente que sale al añadir al carrito, queria quitar la parte derecha donde sale el total, impuestos, etc y dejar la parte izquierda del ultimo producto añadido y el numero de articulos que hay en la cesta.






Edited by SERGIO_RGH (see edit history)
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Como se puede modificar la ventana emergente que sale al añadir al carrito, queria quitar la parte derecha donde sale el total, impuestos, etc y dejar la parte izquierda del ultimo producto añadido y el numero de articulos que hay en la cesta.






Módulo blockcart.

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modificar el archivo blockcart.tpl del tema que esteis usando en la carpeta themes/(tema que usais)/modules/blockcart



<div class="layer_cart_row">
					<strong class="dark">
						{l s='Total products' mod='blockcart'}
						{if $priceDisplay == 1}
							{l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'}
							{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'}
					<span class="ajax_block_products_total">
						{if $cart_qties > 0}
							{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS)}
				{if $show_wrapping}
					<div class="layer_cart_row">
						<strong class="dark">
							{l s='Wrapping' mod='blockcart'}
							{if $priceDisplay == 1}
								{l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'}
								{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'}
						<span class="price cart_block_wrapping_cost">
							{if $priceDisplay == 1}
								{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)}
								{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)}
				<div class="layer_cart_row">
					<strong class="dark">
						{l s='Total shipping' mod='blockcart'} {if $priceDisplay == 1}{l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'}{else}{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'}{/if}
					<span class="ajax_cart_shipping_cost">
						{if $shipping_cost_float == 0}
							{l s='Free shipping!' mod='blockcart'}
				{if $show_tax && isset($tax_cost)}
					<div class="layer_cart_row">
						<strong class="dark">{l s='Tax' mod='blockcart'}</strong>
						<span class="price cart_block_tax_cost ajax_cart_tax_cost">{$tax_cost}</span>
				<div class="layer_cart_row">	
					<strong class="dark">
						{l s='Total' mod='blockcart'}
						{if $priceDisplay == 1}
							{l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'}
							{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'}
					<span class="ajax_block_cart_total">
						{if $cart_qties > 0}
							{if $priceDisplay == 1}
								{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false)}
								{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true)}

dejarlo así

			<!-- <div class="layer_cart_row">
					<strong class="dark">
						{l s='Total products' mod='blockcart'}
						{if $priceDisplay == 1}
							{l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'}
							{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'}
					<span class="ajax_block_products_total">
						{if $cart_qties > 0}
							{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_PRODUCTS)}
				{if $show_wrapping}
					<div class="layer_cart_row">
						<strong class="dark">
							{l s='Wrapping' mod='blockcart'}
							{if $priceDisplay == 1}
								{l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'}
								{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'}
						<span class="price cart_block_wrapping_cost">
							{if $priceDisplay == 1}
								{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)}
								{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_WRAPPING)}
				<div class="layer_cart_row">
					<strong class="dark">
						{l s='Total shipping' mod='blockcart'} {if $priceDisplay == 1}{l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'}{else}{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'}{/if}
					<span class="ajax_cart_shipping_cost">
						{if $shipping_cost_float == 0}
							{l s='Free shipping!' mod='blockcart'}
				{if $show_tax && isset($tax_cost)}
					<div class="layer_cart_row">
						<strong class="dark">{l s='Tax' mod='blockcart'}</strong>
						<span class="price cart_block_tax_cost ajax_cart_tax_cost">{$tax_cost}</span>
				<div class="layer_cart_row">	
					<strong class="dark">
						{l s='Total' mod='blockcart'}
						{if $priceDisplay == 1}
							{l s='(tax excl.)' mod='blockcart'}
							{l s='(tax incl.)' mod='blockcart'}
					<span class="ajax_block_cart_total">
						{if $cart_qties > 0}
							{if $priceDisplay == 1}
								{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false)}
								{convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true)}
				</div> -->
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