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[Solved] No orders showing in back office

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I'm very much a beginner.... I love the product but having a bit of trouble...
I've set up the store all ok and when submitting a test order it goes through paypal ok but when the "customer" returns to the store they get the message "You have not placed any orders."

Also no order history is shown in the back office.

(I've followed the instructions for setting up paypal).

I saw another thread that refered to "you have not placed any orders" and it suggested changing paypal.tpl return_url to notify_url -I'm wondering if that's relevant here?

<input type="hidden" name="return_url" value="{$returnUrl}" />

Many thanks as I havent' a clue what to do in order to get this to work!

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I've realised what the problem was... and it fixed the problem! (and this problem also affected other payment methods too such as cheque)

My permissions for the relevant folders:


etc were set up as 777 but in order to work, I changed them to 755

I'm not very technical so if anyone knows of other folders where I should change the permissions from 777 to 755, please let me know -and post here! Maybe this is a problem specific to my hosting but it seems to fix the problem.

Hope this helps anyone else who experiences the same problem!


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