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Guests Only Customers, Why Not?


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We've been running a shop now the last 8 years that allows both guest or registered customer purchases with the result we now have a customer base of over 30,000 customers on the books.


Over those years the one big customer support question/problem, we've had to face time and time again is this with returning customers being confused by/the difficulty of purchasing again as a guest or a registered customer.

  • If they've purchased as a guest before they can't become a registered guest (without contacting us).
  • If they been a registered customer but now (for various reasons) just want to go through as a guest, they can't do that, they have to remember/find their old password (or ask for a new)!

Both scenarios defiantly don't make a customer happy!  :angry:


So I ask the Questions:

  • Why do we have to make it so confusing/difficult for the customer (if 1 person contacts us, I can guess 10 have given up)!
  • Why then can we just not have a option in PS to have the choice of a "Guests Only" Cart also ????


I personally think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Do any of you know of a good, tried module that can achieve this?


David C

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