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Displaying Tax Only At Checkout

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Hello there,


I am in Australia where we are required to add 10% GST (tax) to all Australian purchasers. We do a lot of selling to companies (who are exempt from paying the tax- or more correctly recover this tax back) so they typically do not consider this in their decision on price. Similarly we also sell overseas to customers who will not be charged the tax.


At the moment, I have disabled tax displayed for all customer groups, so all prices are ex tax. However, when a visitor without an account (and hence my shop does not know their address) places an order, the tax is applied at checkout before the address is entered.I would like to have the tax exclusive price displayed (with text stating the price is tax exclusive), until the customer inputs their address. This way I am not losing interest from overseas purchasers who would get a cheaper price than that displayed. Can anybody help with this function?




Edited by spotxuv (see edit history)
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