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What modules do you run?

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I have only tryed free modules so far.
I suggest you download some modules and try them out yourself to see what you like.
There are alot of free modules,but there are allsow demo(lite) modules you can try before buying.

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I have 3 sites that use Prestashop, but the themes are different and sometimes not suitable to run the same modules because of the layout, but basically here are my favourites.

Contact-form with captcha
Send-to-friend with captcha
Product questions with captcha
google base feed
301 duplicate Url redirect
one page checkout
share on social network
Rss2 social nework icons
horizontal nav bar
front-page categories
FAQ module
Super user
Export products

Apart from duplicate url redirect and onepage checkout they are free.

I also have better together, and attributes as radio buttons but they dont really work as intended. Better together doesnt work with paypal for some reason and attributes as radio buttons shows all the attributes whether they are available or not.

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