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Price Not Updating When Choosing Combination


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Hi everyone,


I have seen that  a lot of people had the same problem and i have read a lot of discussions but didnt manage to find the solution to the problem.


I have some products with combinations and different prices.Everything used to work fine until one day I noticed that the price was not updating when client choosed a different attribute.

When you add the product in the cart the price is correct.


I updated to but the problem is still there.Attributes are configured correctly as is was working fine.


i replaced the product.tpl and product.js but nothing.


Does anyone has a solution?


you can see one of my products here:


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Hi Erouvier29,


First of all thank you very much! I suppose this is the bug as i tested the combination without putting a discount at it worked fine.


Now i have to apply the fix and the truth is that I'm not expert on coding.


If I understand well, I have to replace the code in the files Product.php and ProductController.php  with the code indicated in the green and red lines in the fix you send me right?

thank you veru much once again

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  • 1 month later...

If you're talking about the original combination price which is strikeouted in case of a specific combination price, this is related to your theme (and it is normal with the default theme)

If you're talking about something else (e.g. the product base price which could be strikeouted close to the combination actual price), it may be another aspect of the bug...

Can you detail or show a screenshot?

Another point: changes in ProductController.php from https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/4713 seem not to be correct. You should rather limit changes to Product.php as in https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/5087 which has been tested by PS team, and maybe will soon be merged.

Edited by erouvier29 (see edit history)
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After having a quick look to your site, it seems there is a bug in your theme indeed.

Probably in /themes/xxx/js/product.js (not sure of the source file because your JS is packed), you should find such a line:

$('#old_price_display span.price').text(formatCurrency(basePriceDisplay,currencyFormat,currencySign,currencyBlank));

Replace it by:


And it should be ok

Edited by erouvier29 (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
text-x-generic.png product.js 
ASCII C program text
/** 2007-2013 PrestaShop** NOTICE OF LICENSE** This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php*'>http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.** DISCLAIMER** Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.**  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>*  @copyright  2007-2013 PrestaShop SA*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php  Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA*///global variablesvar combinations = [];var selectedCombination = [];var globalQuantity = 0;var colors = [];//check if a function existsfunction function_exists(function_name){	if (typeof function_name == 'string')		return (typeof window[function_name] == 'function');	return (function_name instanceof Function);}//execute oosHook js codefunction oosHookJsCode(){	for (var i = 0; i < oosHookJsCodeFunctions.length; i++)	{		if (function_exists(oosHookJsCodeFunctions[i]))			setTimeout(oosHookJsCodeFunctions[i] + '()', 0);	[spam-filter]//add a combination of attributes in the global JS sytemfunction addCombination(idCombination, arrayOfIdAttributes, quantity, price, ecotax, id_image, reference, unit_price, minimal_quantity, available_date, combination_specific_price){	globalQuantity += quantity;	var combination = [];	combination['idCombination'] = idCombination;	combination['quantity'] = quantity;	combination['idsAttributes'] = arrayOfIdAttributes;	combination['price'] = price;	combination['ecotax'] = ecotax;	combination['image'] = id_image;	combination['reference'] = reference;	combination['unit_price'] = unit_price;	combination['minimal_quantity'] = minimal_quantity;	combination['available_date'] = [];	combination['available_date'] = available_date;	combination['specific_price'] = [];	combination['specific_price'] = combination_specific_price;	combinations.push(combination);}// search the combinations' case of attributes and update displaying of availability, prices, ecotax, and imagefunction findCombination(firstTime){	$('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').fadeOut();	$('#quantity_wanted').val(1);	//create a temporary 'choice' array containing the choices of the customer	var choice = [];	$('#attributes select, #attributes input[type=hidden], #attributes input[type=radio]:checked').each(function(){		choice.push($(this).val());	});	//testing every combination to find the conbination's attributes' case of the user	for (var combination = 0; combination < combinations.length; ++combination)	{		//verify if this combinaison is the same that the user's choice		var combinationMatchForm = true;		$.each(combinations[combination]['idsAttributes'], function(key, value)		{			if (!in_array(value, choice))				combinationMatchForm = false;		});		if (combinationMatchForm)		{			if (combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity'] > 1)			{				$('#minimal_quantity_label').html(combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity']);				$('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').fadeIn();				$('#quantity_wanted').val(combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity']);				$('#quantity_wanted').bind('keyup', function() {checkMinimalQuantity(combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity']);});			}			//combination of the user has been found in our specifications of combinations (created in back office)			selectedCombination['unavailable'] = false;			selectedCombination['reference'] = combinations[combination]['reference'];			$('#idCombination').val(combinations[combination]['idCombination']);			//get the data of product with these attributes			quantityAvailable = combinations[combination]['quantity'];			selectedCombination['price'] = combinations[combination]['price'];			selectedCombination['unit_price'] = combinations[combination]['unit_price'];			selectedCombination['specific_price'] = combinations[combination]['specific_price'];			if (combinations[combination]['ecotax'])				selectedCombination['ecotax'] = combinations[combination]['ecotax'];			else				selectedCombination['ecotax'] = default_eco_tax;			//show the large image in relation to the selected combination			if (combinations[combination]['image'] && combinations[combination]['image'] != -1)				displayImage($('#thumb_' + combinations[combination]['image']).parent());			//show discounts values according to the selected combination			if (combinations[combination]['idCombination'] && combinations[combination]['idCombination'] > 0)				displayDiscounts(combinations[combination]['idCombination']);			//get available_date for combination product			selectedCombination['available_date'] = combinations[combination]['available_date'];						//update the display			updateDisplay();			if(typeof(firstTime) != 'undefined' && firstTime)				refreshProductImages(0);			else				refreshProductImages(combinations[combination]['idCombination']);			//leave the function because combination has been found			return;		}	}	//this combination doesn't exist (not created in back office)	selectedCombination['unavailable'] = true;	if (typeof(selectedCombination['available_date']) != 'undefined')		delete selectedCombination['available_date'];	updateDisplay();}//update display of the availability of the product AND the prices of the productfunction updateDisplay(){	var productPriceDisplay = productPrice;	var productPriceWithoutReductionDisplay = productPriceWithoutReduction;	if (!selectedCombination['unavailable'] && quantityAvailable > 0 && productAvailableForOrder == 1)	{		//show the choice of quantities		$('#quantity_wanted_p:hidden').show('slow');		//show the "add to cart" button ONLY if it was hidden		$('#add_to_cart:hidden').fadeIn(600);		//hide the hook out of stock		$('#oosHook').hide();				$('#availability_date').fadeOut();		//availability value management		if (availableNowValue != '')		{			//update the availability statut of the product			$('#availability_value').removeClass('warning_inline');			$('#availability_value').text(availableNowValue);			if(stock_management == 1)				$('#availability_statut:hidden').show();		}		else			$('#availability_statut:visible').hide();		//'last quantities' message management		if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock)		{			if (quantityAvailable <= maxQuantityToAllowDisplayOfLastQuantityMessage)				$('#last_quantities').show('slow');			else				$('#last_quantities').hide('slow');		}		if (quantitiesDisplayAllowed)		{			$('#pQuantityAvailable:hidden').show('slow');			$('#quantityAvailable').text(quantityAvailable);			if (quantityAvailable < 2) // we have 1 or less product in stock and need to show "item" instead of "items"			{				$('#quantityAvailableTxt').show();				$('#quantityAvailableTxtMultiple').hide();			}			else			{				$('#quantityAvailableTxt').hide();				$('#quantityAvailableTxtMultiple').show();			}		}	}	else	{		//show the hook out of stock		if (productAvailableForOrder == 1)		{			$('#oosHook').show();			if ($('#oosHook').length > 0 && function_exists('oosHookJsCode'))				oosHookJsCode();		}		//hide 'last quantities' message if it was previously visible		$('#last_quantities:visible').hide('slow');		//hide the quantity of pieces if it was previously visible		$('#pQuantityAvailable:visible').hide('slow');		//hide the choice of quantities		if (!allowBuyWhenOutOfStock)			$('#quantity_wanted_p:visible').hide('slow');		//display that the product is unavailable with theses attributes		if (!selectedCombination['unavailable'])			$('#availability_value').text(doesntExistNoMore + (globalQuantity > 0 ? ' ' + doesntExistNoMoreBut : '')).addClass('warning_inline');		else		{			$('#availability_value').text(doesntExist).addClass('warning_inline');			$('#oosHook').hide();		}		if(stock_management == 1 && !allowBuyWhenOutOfStock)			$('#availability_statut:hidden').show();		if (typeof(selectedCombination['available_date']) != 'undefined' && selectedCombination['available_date']['date'].length != 0)		{			var available_date = selectedCombination['available_date']['date'];			var tab_date = available_date.split('-');			var time_available = new Date(tab_date[0], tab_date[1], tab_date[2]);			time_available.setMonth(time_available.getMonth()-1);			var now = new Date();			if (now.getTime() < time_available.getTime() && $('#availability_date_value').text() != selectedCombination['available_date']['date_formatted'])			{				$('#availability_date').fadeOut('normal', function(){					$('#availability_date_value').text(selectedCombination['available_date']['date_formatted']);					$(this).fadeIn();				});			}			else if(now.getTime() < time_available.getTime())				$('#availability_date').fadeIn();		}		else			$('#availability_date').fadeOut();		//show the 'add to cart' button ONLY IF it's possible to buy when out of stock AND if it was previously invisible		if (allowBuyWhenOutOfStock && !selectedCombination['unavailable'] && productAvailableForOrder == 1)		{			$('#add_to_cart:hidden').fadeIn(600);			if (availableLaterValue != '')			{				$('#availability_value').text(availableLaterValue);				if(stock_management == 1)					$('#availability_statut:hidden').show('slow');			}			else				$('#availability_statut:visible').hide('slow');		}		else		{			$('#add_to_cart:visible').fadeOut(600);			if(stock_management == 1)				$('#availability_statut:hidden').show('slow');		}		if (productAvailableForOrder == 0)			$('#availability_statut:visible').hide();	}	if (selectedCombination['reference'] || productReference)	{		if (selectedCombination['reference'])			$('#product_reference span').text(selectedCombination['reference']);		else if (productReference)			$('#product_reference span').text(productReference);		$('#product_reference:hidden').show('slow');	}	else		$('#product_reference:visible').hide('slow');	//update display of the the prices in relation to tax, discount, ecotax, and currency criteria	if (!selectedCombination['unavailable'] && productShowPrice == 1)	{		var priceTaxExclWithoutGroupReduction = '';		// retrieve price without group_reduction in order to compute the group reduction after		// the specific price discount (done in the JS in order to keep backward compatibility)				priceTaxExclWithoutGroupReduction = ps_round(productPriceTaxExcluded, 6) * (1 / group_reduction);		var tax = (taxRate / 100) + 1;		var taxExclPrice = priceTaxExclWithoutGroupReduction + (selectedCombination['price'] * currencyRate);		if (selectedCombination.specific_price && selectedCombination.specific_price['id_product_attribute'])		{			if (selectedCombination.specific_price['price'] && selectedCombination.specific_price['price'] >=0)				var taxExclPrice = (specific_currency ? selectedCombination.specific_price['price'] : selectedCombination.specific_price['price'] * currencyRate);			else				var taxExclPrice = productBasePriceTaxExcluded * currencyRate + (selectedCombination['price'] * currencyRate);		}		else if (product_specific_price.price && product_specific_price.price >= 0)			var taxExclPrice = (specific_currency ? product_specific_price.price : product_specific_price.price * currencyRate) + (selectedCombination['price'] * currencyRate);		if (!displayPrice && !noTaxForThisProduct)			productPriceDisplay = ps_round(taxExclPrice * tax, 2); // Need to be global => no var		else			productPriceDisplay = ps_round(taxExclPrice, 2); // Need to be global => no var		productPriceWithoutReductionDisplay = productPriceDisplay * group_reduction;		var reduction = 0;		if (selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_price || selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_percent)		{			reduction_price = (specific_currency ? selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_price : selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_price * currencyRate);			reduction = productPriceDisplay * (parseFloat(selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_percent) / 100) + reduction_price;			if (reduction_price && (displayPrice || noTaxForThisProduct))				reduction = ps_round(reduction / tax, 6);		}		else if (product_specific_price && product_specific_price.reduction && !selectedCombination.specific_price)		{			if (product_specific_price.reduction_type == 'amount')				reduction_price = (specific_currency ? product_specific_price.reduction : product_specific_price.reduction * currencyRate);			else				reduction_price = 0;			if (product_specific_price.reduction_type == 'percentage')				reduction_percent = productPriceDisplay * parseFloat(product_specific_price.reduction);			reduction = reduction_price + reduction_percent;			if (reduction_price && (displayPrice || noTaxForThisProduct))				reduction = ps_round(reduction / tax, 6);		}		if (selectedCombination.specific_price)		{			if (selectedCombination['specific_price'] && selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_type == 'percentage')			{				$('#reduction_amount').hide();				$('#reduction_percent_display').html('-' + parseFloat(selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_percent) + '%');				$('#reduction_percent').show();			} else if (selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_type == 'amount' && selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_price != 0) {				$('#reduction_amount_display').html('-' + formatCurrency(reduction_price, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));				$('#reduction_percent').hide();				$('#reduction_amount').show();			} else {				$('#reduction_percent').hide();				$('#reduction_amount').hide();			}		}		if (product_specific_price['reduction_type'] != '' || selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_type != '')			$('#discount_reduced_price,#old_price').show();		else			$('#discount_reduced_price,#old_price').hide();		if ((product_specific_price['reduction_type'] == 'percentage' && selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_type == 'percentage') || selectedCombination['specific_price'].reduction_type == 'percentage')			$('#reduction_percent').show();		else			$('#reduction_percent').hide();		if (product_specific_price['price'] || (selectedCombination.specific_price && selectedCombination.specific_price['price']))			$('#not_impacted_by_discount').show();		else			$('#not_impacted_by_discount').hide();		productPriceDisplay -= reduction;		productPriceDisplay = ps_round(productPriceDisplay * group_reduction, 2);		var ecotaxAmount = !displayPrice ? ps_round(selectedCombination['ecotax'] * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate / 100), 2) : selectedCombination['ecotax'];		if (ecotaxAmount != default_eco_tax)			productPriceDisplay += ecotaxAmount - default_eco_tax;		else			productPriceDisplay += ecotaxAmount;		if (ecotaxAmount != default_eco_tax)			productPriceWithoutReductionDisplay += ecotaxAmount - default_eco_tax;		else			productPriceWithoutReductionDisplay += ecotaxAmount;		var our_price = '';		if (productPriceDisplay > 0) {			our_price = formatCurrency(productPriceDisplay, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank);		} else {			our_price = formatCurrency(0, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank);		}		$('#our_price_display').text(our_price);		$('#old_price_display').text(formatCurrency(basePriceDisplay,currencyFormat,currencySign,currencyBlank));		if (productPriceWithoutReductionDisplay > productPriceDisplay)			$('#old_price,#old_price_display,#old_price_display_taxes').show();		else			$('#old_price,#old_price_display,#old_price_display_taxes').hide();		// Special feature: "Display product price tax excluded on product page"		var productPricePretaxed = '';		if (!noTaxForThisProduct)			productPricePretaxed = productPriceDisplay / tax;		else			productPricePretaxed = productPriceDisplay;		$('#pretaxe_price_display').text(formatCurrency(productPricePretaxed, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));		// Unit price 		productUnitPriceRatio = parseFloat(productUnitPriceRatio);		if (productUnitPriceRatio > 0 )		{			newUnitPrice = (productPriceDisplay / parseFloat(productUnitPriceRatio)) + selectedCombination['unit_price'];			$('#unit_price_display').text(formatCurrency(newUnitPrice, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));		}		// Ecotax		ecotaxAmount = !displayPrice ? ps_round(selectedCombination['ecotax'] * (1 + ecotaxTax_rate / 100), 2) : selectedCombination['ecotax'];		$('#ecotax_price_display').text(formatCurrency(ecotaxAmount, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));	[spam-filter]//update display of the large imagefunction displayImage(domAAroundImgThumb, no_animation){	if (typeof(no_animation) == 'undefined')		no_animation = false;	if (domAAroundImgThumb.prop('href'))	{		var new_src = domAAroundImgThumb.prop('href').replace('thickbox', 'large');		var new_title = domAAroundImgThumb.prop('title');		var new_href = domAAroundImgThumb.prop('href');		if ($('#bigpic').prop('src') != new_src)		{			$('#bigpic').prop({				'src' : new_src, 				'alt' : new_title, 				'title' : new_title			}).load(function(){				if (typeof(jqZoomEnabled) != 'undefined' && jqZoomEnabled)					$(this).prop('rel', new_href);			}); 		}		$('#views_block li a').removeClass('shown');		$(domAAroundImgThumb).addClass('shown');	[spam-filter]//update display of the discounts tablefunction displayDiscounts(combination){	$('#quantityDiscount tbody tr').each(function() {		if (($(this).attr('id') != 'quantityDiscount_0') &&			($(this).attr('id') != 'quantityDiscount_' + combination) &&			($(this).attr('id') != 'noQuantityDiscount'))			$(this).fadeOut('slow');	 });	if ($('#quantityDiscount_' + combination+',.quantityDiscount_' + combination).length != 0)	{		$('#quantityDiscount_' + combination+',.quantityDiscount_' + combination).show();		$('#noQuantityDiscount').hide();	}	else		$('#noQuantityDiscount').show();}// Serialscroll exclude option bug ?function serialScrollFixLock(event, targeted, scrolled, items, position){	serialScrollNbImages = $('#thumbs_list li:visible').length;	serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed = 3;	var leftArrow = position == 0 ? true : false;	var rightArrow = position + serialScrollNbImagesDisplayed >= serialScrollNbImages ? true : false;	$('#view_scroll_left').css('cursor', leftArrow ? 'default' : 'pointer').css('display', leftArrow ? 'none' : 'block').fadeTo(0, leftArrow ? 0 : 1);	$('#view_scroll_right').css('cursor', rightArrow ? 'default' : 'pointer').fadeTo(0, rightArrow ? 0 : 1).css('display', rightArrow ? 'none' : 'block');	return true;}// Change the current product images regarding the combination selectedfunction refreshProductImages(id_product_attribute){	$('#thumbs_list_frame').scrollTo('li:eq(0)', 700, {axis:'x'});	id_product_attribute = parseInt(id_product_attribute);	if (id_product_attribute > 0 && typeof(combinationImages) != 'undefined' && typeof(combinationImages[id_product_attribute]) != 'undefined')	{		$('#thumbs_list li').hide();		$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0);		for (var i = 0; i < combinationImages[id_product_attribute].length; i++)			$('#thumbnail_' + parseInt(combinationImages[id_product_attribute][i])).show();		if (parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li:visible').length) < parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li').length))			$('#wrapResetImages').show('slow');		else			$('#wrapResetImages').hide('slow');	}	else	{		$('#thumbs_list li').show();		if (parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li').length) == parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li:visible').length))			$('#wrapResetImages').hide('slow');	}	var thumb_width = $('#thumbs_list_frame >li').width() + parseInt($('#thumbs_list_frame >li').css('marginRight'));	$('#thumbs_list_frame').width((parseInt((thumb_width) * $('#thumbs_list_frame >li').length)) + 'px');	$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0);	serialScrollFixLock('', '', '', '', 0);// SerialScroll Bug on goto 0 ?}//To do after loading HTML$(document).ready(function(){	//init the serialScroll for thumbs	$('#thumbs_list').serialScroll({		items:'li:visible',		prev:'#view_scroll_left',		next:'#view_scroll_right',		axis:'x',		offset:0,		start:0,		stop:true,		onBefore:serialScrollFixLock,		duration:700,		step: 2,		lazy: true,		lock: false,		force:false,		cycle:false	});	$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 1);// SerialScroll Bug on goto 0 ?	$('#thumbs_list').trigger('goto', 0);	//hover 'other views' images management	$('#views_block li a').hover(		function(){displayImage($(this));},		function(){}	);	//set jqZoom parameters if needed	if (typeof(jqZoomEnabled) != 'undefined' && jqZoomEnabled)	{		$('#bigpic').attr('rel', $('#bigpic').attr('src').replace('large', 'thickbox'));		$('img.jqzoom').jqueryzoom({			xzoom: 200, //zooming div default width(default width value is 200)			yzoom: 200, //zooming div default width(default height value is 200)			offset: 21 //zooming div default offset(default offset value is 10)			//position: "right" //zooming div position(default position value is "right")		});	}	//add a link on the span 'view full size' and on the big image	$('#view_full_size, #image-block img').click(function(){		$('#views_block .shown').click();	});	//catch the click on the "more infos" button at the top of the page	$('#short_description_block .button').click(function(){		$('#more_info_tab_more_info').click();		$.scrollTo( '#more_info_tabs', 1200 );	});	// Hide the customization submit button and display some message	$('#customizedDatas input').click(function() {		$('#customizedDatas input').hide();		$('#ajax-loader').fadeIn();		$('#customizedDatas').append(uploading_in_progress);	});	original_url = window.location + '';	first_url_check = true;	checkUrl();	initLocationChange();	//init the price in relation of the selected attributes	if (typeof productHasAttributes != 'undefined' && productHasAttributes)		findCombination(true);	else if (typeof productHasAttributes != 'undefined' && !productHasAttributes)		refreshProductImages(0);	$('#resetImages').click(function() {		refreshProductImages(0);	});	$('.thickbox').fancybox({		'hideOnContentClick': true,		'transitionIn'	: 'elastic',		'transitionOut'	: 'elastic'	});});function saveCustomization(){	$('#quantityBackup').val($('#quantity_wanted').val());	customAction = $('#customizationForm').attr('action');	$('body select[id^="group_"]').each(function() {		customAction = customAction.replace(new RegExp(this.id + '=\\d+'), this.id +'=' + this.value);	});	$('#customizationForm').attr('action', customAction);	$('#customizationForm').submit();}function submitPublishProduct(url, redirect, token){	var id_product = $('#admin-action-product-id').val();	$.ajaxSetup({async: false});	$.post(url + '/index.php', {		action:'publishProduct',		id_product: id_product, 		status: 1, 		redirect: redirect,		ajax: 1,		tab: 'AdminProducts',		token: token		},		function(data)		{			if (data.indexOf('error') === -1)			document.location.href = data;		}	);	return true;}function checkMinimalQuantity(minimal_quantity){	if ($('#quantity_wanted').val() < minimal_quantity)	{		$('#quantity_wanted').css('border', '1px solid red');		$('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').css('color', 'red');	}	else	{		$('#quantity_wanted').css('border', '1px solid #BDC2C9');		$('#minimal_quantity_wanted_p').css('color', '#374853');	[spam-filter]function colorPickerClick(elt){	id_attribute = $(elt).attr('id').replace('color_', '');	$(elt).parent().parent().children().removeClass('selected');	$(elt).fadeTo('fast', 1, function(){								$(this).fadeTo('fast', 0, function(){									$(this).fadeTo('fast', 1, function(){										$(this).parent().addClass('selected');										});									});								});	$(elt).parent().parent().parent().children('.color_pick_hidden,#color_pick_hidden').val(id_attribute);	findCombination(false);}function getProductAttribute(){	// get product attribute id	product_attribute_id = $('#idCombination').val();	product_id = $('#product_page_product_id').val();	// get every attributes values	request = '';	//create a temporary 'tab_attributes' array containing the choices of the customer	var tab_attributes = [];	$('#attributes select, #attributes input[type=hidden], #attributes input[type=radio]:checked').each(function(){		tab_attributes.push($(this).val());	});	// build new request	for (var i in attributesCombinations)		for (var a in tab_attributes)			if (attributesCombinations[i]['id_attribute'] === tab_attributes[a])				request += '/'+attributesCombinations[i]['group'] + '-' + attributesCombinations[i]['attribute'];	request = request.replace(request.substring(0, 1), '#/');	url = window.location + '';	// redirection	if (url.indexOf('#') != -1)		url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('#'));	// set ipa to the customization form	$('#customizationForm').attr('action', $('#customizationForm').attr('action') + request);	window.location = url + request;}function initLocationChange(time){	if(!time) time = 500;		setInterval(checkUrl, time);}function checkUrl(){	if (original_url != window.location || first_url_check)	{		first_url_check = false;		url = window.location + '';		// if we need to load a specific combination		if (url.indexOf('#/') != -1)		{			// get the params to fill from a "normal" url			params = url.substring(url.indexOf('#') + 1, url.length);			tabParams = params.split('/');			tabValues = [];			if (tabParams[0] == '')				tabParams.shift();			for (var i in tabParams)				tabValues.push(tabParams[i].split('-'));			product_id = $('#product_page_product_id').val();			// fill html with values			$('.color_pick').removeClass('selected');			$('.color_pick').parent().parent().children().removeClass('selected');			count = 0;			for (var z in tabValues)				for (var a in attributesCombinations)					if (attributesCombinations[a]['group'] === decodeURIComponent(tabValues[z][0])						&& attributesCombinations[a]['attribute'] === tabValues[z][1])					{						count++;						// add class 'selected' to the selected color						$('#color_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']).addClass('selected');						$('#color_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']).parent().addClass('selected');						$('input:radio[value=' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute'] + ']').attr('checked', true);						$('input:hidden[name=group_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute_group'] + ']').val(attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']);						$('select[name=group_' + attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute_group'] + ']').val(attributesCombinations[a]['id_attribute']);					}			// find combination			if (count >= 0)			{				findCombination(false);				original_url = url;			}			// no combination found = removing attributes from url			else				window.location = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('#'));		}	[spam-filter]
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You upgraded you site to PS and it works correctly with default theme, doesn't it?

You should now upgrade your theme as well, as the current one seems out of date (2013, i.e. built for PS 1.5?)

You have at least the following errors:

  • base prices to 0 in both category page and product page
  • javascript errors in product.js (undefined variable) maybe due to recent changes 
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