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[Solved] This Simple Update Query Doesn't Work, What Am I Missing?


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Hi guys,


I tried with a lot of changes to this simple line, but I can't get it to work.


I just want to update id_Shop value in an order when city has a specific value:

if($delivery->city == "New York") {
  $sql = 'UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` SET `id_shop` = 2 WHERE `id_order` = '.(int)$order->id;
  if (!Db::getInstance()->execute($sql)) die('error!');
I also tried:
// Db::getInstance()->update('orders', 'id_shop = 2', 'id_order = '.(int)$order->id, 1);
// Db::getInstance()->update('orders', array('id_shop' => 2), 'reference = '.$order->reference, 1);

Then a new order arrives with "New York" value... but mysql tablet ps_orders doesn't get the update in that value.


I'm pretty sure it's something really stupid that I'm missing.


How can I make this work?


Thanks dudes,



Edited by jotacee (see edit history)
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hi ,

which using this code in php file ?

regards ??

id_shop can be setting payment modules valideorder() order fuction.

sample for bankwire module.

$this->module->validateOrder($cart->id, 2, $total, $this->module->displayName, NULL, $mailVars, (int)$currency->id, false, $customer->secure_key);

you can add extra paremeter

like this

$this->module->validateOrder($cart->id, 2, $total, $this->module->displayName, NULL, $mailVars, (int)$currency->id, false, $customer->secure_key, $idshop);

also you can set to all payments modules on

classes/PaymentModule.php file

public function validateOrder();

if id_shop not setting valideorder function prestashop getting current cart id shop value

$this->context->shop = ($shop ? $shop : new Shop((int)$this->context->cart->id_shop));

you can chance to.



Edited by safa (see edit history)
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Thanks for your reply, safa.


I have a cron job that checks all orders, looking for orders in that city and moving them from one shop (multishop) to another.


I don't need to validate the order, as it's already validated and paid. I just need to move it from one shop to another inside same multishop.


I was trying to execute that simple query but it doesn't affect any row.

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