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[Solved] How To Remove A Specific Block From The Left_Column From A Specific Category


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I'm working on the site: http://nutristrada.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/ (has 3 languages and not complete / fully translated yet).


I need to remove the "top sellers" and "new products" from the objectives and sports pages (http://nutristrada.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/pt/86-objetivos and http://nutristrada.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/pt/87-desportos )


And need to leave those modules in the rest of the categories pages (including the "sons" like crossfit).


To remove that module I do: backoffice>modules&services> search the module (newproducts and bestsales) > configure > manage hooks > displayLeftColumn hook > edit > then I choose "category" and type in desportos and objetivos (name in portuguese).

These actions remove the both modules from these pages, but also remove them from the rest of the categories.


I've also tried to remove the modules using "edition in real time" but it has the same result.


Is there a fault on my procedure, or there is no implemented way to remove a block from only a certain category?


Have another question still close to the subject:

How to add these blocks (new producs and top sellers) to the blog  pages  (like http://nutristrada.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/pt/blog/6_summer-collection-launched)?


Thx, Ricardo.

Edited by RicardoRodrigues (see edit history)
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From admin panel main menu, select Preferences-> Themes..

Select on advanced settings. then you will find APPEARANCE OF COLUMNS section. Here, Meta will be your controller 

a) Left column - yes for display no for not display.

B) Right column - yes for display no for not display.


You can also put if condition in header.tpl template file to customize to check whether  particular category is sport or objectives.


Clear your cache folder after finish this.
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thx archSandy for your swift anwser, I have the table set as this one shows, but I see no blog parts to tick on.



page | left colum | right colum

erro 404 | x | x

Top de Vendas | v | x

Contacte-nos | v | x

index | x | x

Fabricantes | v | x

Novos produtos | v | x

Esqueci-me da palavra-passe | x | x

Promoção | v | x

Mapa do site | v | x

Fornecedores | v | x

Endereço | v | x

Endereços | v | x

Inicio de Sessão | x | x

Carrinho | v | x

Descontos | v | x

Histórico de Encomendas | v | x

Identidade | x | x

A Minha Conta | x | x

Acompanhar Encomenda | x | x

Nota de Encomenda | x | x

Encomenda | v | x

Pesquisa | v | x

Lojas | v | x

Encomenda Rápida | v | x

Seguimento de Visitante | x | x

Confirmação da encomenda | x | x

product | v | x

category | v | x

cms | v | x

module-cheque-payment | x | x

module-cheque-validation | x | x

module-bankwire-validation | x | x

module-bankwire-payment | x | x

Comparação de Produtos | v | x

module-smartblog-archive | v | x

module-smartblog-category | v | x

module-smartblog-details | v | x

module-smartblog-search | v | x

module-smartblog-tagpost | v | x


edit: this does not stay as a table :(

Edited by RicardoRodrigues (see edit history)
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I've tryed to do this at the header.tpl

{if $page_name !='desportos' && $page_name !='objetivos'}
	<div id="left_column" class="col-xs-12 col-md-3">{$HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN}</div>

But, its not working, so I did


and as a result, all pages in the menu, are named "category".


Is there a variable other then $page_name that I can use which has diferent categorie names?



Thx Ricardo

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thx archSandy for your swift anwser, I have the table set as this one shows, but I see no blog parts to tick on.



page | left colum | right colum

erro 404 | x | x

Top de Vendas | v | x

Contacte-nos | v | x

index | x | x

Fabricantes | v | x

Novos produtos | v | x

Esqueci-me da palavra-passe | x | x

Promoção | v | x

Mapa do site | v | x

Fornecedores | v | x

Endereço | v | x

Endereços | v | x

Inicio de Sessão | x | x

Carrinho | v | x

Descontos | v | x

Histórico de Encomendas | v | x

Identidade | x | x

A Minha Conta | x | x

Acompanhar Encomenda | x | x

Nota de Encomenda | x | x

Encomenda | v | x

Pesquisa | v | x

Lojas | v | x

Encomenda Rápida | v | x

Seguimento de Visitante | x | x

Confirmação da encomenda | x | x

product | v | x

category | v | x

cms | v | x

module-cheque-payment | x | x

module-cheque-validation | x | x

module-bankwire-validation | x | x

module-bankwire-payment | x | x

Comparação de Produtos | v | x

module-smartblog-archive | v | x

module-smartblog-category | v | x

module-smartblog-details | v | x

module-smartblog-search | v | x

module-smartblog-tagpost | v | x


edit: this does not stay as a table :(


module-smartblog-archive | v | x

module-smartblog-category | v | x

module-smartblog-details | v | x

module-smartblog-search | v | x

module-smartblog-tagpost | v | x


you can put condition in this pages. These are the smartblog pages.

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