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How To Change "call Toll Free" Font Color

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I am trying to change my "Call Toll Free" font color in my blockcontact module. I want it white. Please look at my site: http://www.bonzicity.com/ or look below and you will see it in the header.




I found this post: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/344513-change-call-us-now-font-color/ that should solve my problem but it does not. I have no css file in MyTheme>modules>blockcontact folder.


But in the default>modules>blockcontact there is a css file that I tried adding color:white too and uploading in the same default location it does not help. I even tried uploading this css file into my theme folder (MyTheme>modules>blockcontact) but no change to white text.


Here is my nav.tpl in myTheme>modules>blockcontact:

<div class="pos_contact">
	<div class="pos_contact-i">
	{if $email}
		<span class="shop-email">
			<i class="icon-envelope"></i><strong>{$email}</strong>
	{if $telnumber}
		<span class="shop-phone">
			<i class="icon-phone"></i><strong>{$telnumber}</strong>

My template has a file called rtl.css (right to left) in MyTemplate>CSS and I found the pos_contact and pos_contact-i. This is the only css file I have that has these pos_contact definitions which came with my template. I tried adding white to these definitions. No help.


In the same file as above rtl.css, I can obviously see that I need to define: icon-phone as such:

.shop-phone {
  float: right;
  color:#FFF !important;}
  .shop-phone i {
    padding-right: 0px;
padding-left: 7px;

As you can see I added the color and made it important. I looked this up in Firebug but I must be overlooking something. I assume I have the definition in the wrong css file or folder location for the overwrite. Last after all my attempts I am going to performance and recompiling, and hard refereshing on front end, but I must be doing something wrong becuase I still see gray text instead of white. This is something so simple yet I am just in the wrong place. Any ideas?

Edited by clubbuilder (see edit history)
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Problem solved, thank you! I looked at file and defintions till I was blue in the face! Sometimes you just need a fresh set of eyes. I totally missed the themes/pos_orianna5/css/modules section and it wasn't on my radar as I was looking in pos_ariana5/modules/blockcontact. Now it makes sense why I ovlooked that file, I should have looked deeper in the css folder.


Too many css files not only in our template but in every module, just wish they were all centralized in one folder. But I get why it is as such.

Edited by clubbuilder (see edit history)
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