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How To Change The Status Of An Order Programatically

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I am developing a module in which I need to import and keep updated informations about orders that comes from an external server. I am having trouble changing the order status. The relevant part of the code that I am using is

            $current_order_state = $order->getCurrentOrderState();
            if ($current_order_state->id == $new_state->id || $current_order_state->module_name !== 'MYMODULENAME')
                return true;
                $history           = new OrderHistory();
                $history->id_order = $order->id;
                $use_existings_payment = !$order->hasInvoice();
                $history->changeIdOrderState((int) $new_state->id, $order, $use_existings_payment);
                if ($history->addWithemail(true, $templateVars))
                    if (Configuration::get('PS_ADVANCED_STOCK_MANAGEMENT'))
                        foreach ($order->getProducts() as $product)
                            if (StockAvailable::dependsOnStock($product['product_id']))
                                StockAvailable::synchronize($product['product_id'], (int) $product['id_shop']);

                    Logger::addLog($this->l('Could not change status of order #%d.', $ps_order_id), 1);
                    return false;

but the status is just partially modified. When i open the AdminOrders controller, the order is with the right status:




But when i click at the order to see its detailed informations, the status is not correctly saved:




I checked in the database, and the order history is not being saved in the order_history table, but the method changeIdOrderState() does not trow any error. What am I doing wrong?


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Hi, -=peter=-, thanks for replying.


Yes, the code is copied from AdminOrdersController. I tried to use the debugger, but it does not helped me so much..


The most strange thing for me is that the method $history->addWithemail() (I tried $history->add() too) is returning success, but the history is not being created in the database. Any idea about this?

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I was able to solve the problem. 
When my module creates the order, I was using
$ps_order->current_state = $new_state_of_the_order;

and only after that, the code I have put in the first post was being executed, to create the $order_history for the order. So, the problem was that the order already had the status that I was trying to set to it, even though the $order_history had not been created yet. So, in the lines

$current_order_state = $order->getCurrentOrderState();
if ($current_order_state->id == $new_state->id || $current_order_state->module_name !== 'MYMODULENAME')
     return true;

$current_order_state and $new_state was the same, and the function was returing true without adding the $order_history.


The solution I used is to set the $order->current_state to 0 when creating the order, and updating the status to the correct one after this, when creating the $order_history.


I don't know if it is the best solution, but it seems to be working. Thanks for your help!

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