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Blank Contact Page After Modification Of: Contact_Form.tpl

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I was trying to add additional details to my contact form. So I read a post (from 2010) and it said to add this code to my template> contact_form.tpl

{php}echo Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME') . '
' .     Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR1') . '
' .     Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_ADDR2') . '
' .     Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CITY') . ', ' . Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_STATE') . ', ' . Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_CODE') . '
' .     Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_COUNTRY') . '
';{/php}{l s='Phone:'} {php}echo Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_PHONE');{/php}
{l s='Fax:'} {php}echo Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_FAX');{/php}

In retrospect I shouldn't have added code form 6 years ago! Anyway I re-uploaded mytheme>contact_form.tpl and overwrote my older file. When I did the contact form page went blank. (http://www.bonzicity.com/contact-us) I immediately removed this code and re-uploaded the same page back to what it was, and my page is still blank.
I went to: performances and re-complied its still blank. Cache is set to off and re-compile is not working. Also turned on debugging errors (config> defines.inc) and no php errors showed. Could not find anything specific in the forums to my issue. Please Help!!

Edited by clubbuilder (see edit history)
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Contact page only is blank. Don't know what to do, can anyone help me troublehsoot this? The file I replaced my contact_form.tpl with was out of my template so I don't know why this happened. I replaced the same file added code, saw the blank page, removed the code, re-uploaded file minus the code, yet the page is still blank. I don't understand how this does not fix the issue. Crazy!

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Problem solved: For anyone following I am positive I re-uploaded the contact_form.tpl from my theme and into my theme via FTP. Meaning I was sure I uploaded the proper file in the proper theme category.


However, I went to the default theme (base install) and re-uploaded that contact_form.tpl file into my theme folder and overwrote my themes contact_form.tpl. The page now displays. Was reading in a post somewhere this happens when you upload a different version of the same file or something of the sort. Anyway this worked for me.

Edited by clubbuilder (see edit history)
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