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Front End 404 Error Back In Admin Usable

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Recently we copied our shops from business hosting platform to a hostgator cloud.  We first copied the prestshop software as configured in the old location to the new location then copied the databases.  We could not get the databases to sync.  so  we installed new  shops at the new location and attached the databases.  We are able to use the admin fine but the front end comes up with a 404 error or 500 error.  After copying the database we edited the shop url and the employee to match the new site. What are we missing? 

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As it turns out Hostgator did not have the SSL certificate correctly installed and we had sellected ssl on all pages and there was none, consequently the Front end of the shop disappeared.  The front end reappeared when the ssl on all pages was unchecked.


Also it is necessary in Myphp andmin when configuring the url  to put a / on the physical_url if in the store is in the  root directory and if the shop is in a sub directory you have to make sure you put the backslash after the name of the subdirectory as well as in front or it won't work.   /name_subdirectory/ 


Be careful to make sure the password in settings.inc  is correct as if you use the forgot password function this password tends to stick.  Even if you change the name of the encrypted password in the database it will not change the password in settings.inc and if this is not correct will not be able to attache the database let alone get in.  I thought the password had been encrypted by php_admin but it was a leftover password automatically installed by the "forgot password" option.

Edited by usengines (see edit history)
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