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Bug With Ean Of Combinations


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If you specify the default EAN (in the product's information tab) and you use specific EANS for the same product's combinations, it will result in a synch error.




Product X with EAN xxxxxxxxx, specified in the product's informations tab


Product X has 2 combinations, A and B


A EAN xxxxxxxxxx, specified in the relative combination

B EAN yyyyyyyyyy, specified in the relative combination



Api Register when you sync says that you must specify specific EANS for variations if product has variations. So I guess that the module specifies the default EAN when syncing and not the specific ones.


I can paste the API REGISTER in italian:


\"Value\": \"Per inserzioni con pi\\u00f9 varianti, i valori GTIN sono specificati a livello della variante. Rimuovi il valore GTIN dal livello dell'inserzione e fornisci un valore GTIN per ogni variante nell'inserzione.\"

Edited by ljnuxxx (see edit history)
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