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Out Of Stock Products Are Still Being Ordered

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I am managing a store that doesn't allow products to be ordered when they're out of stock. The "Add To Cart" button disappears from the product pages when quantity is set to "0".

However, some how order are still coming through!

An order for this product came through yesterday: https://madwine.com/white-blends/88810-chateau-teulon-blanc-2013.html

Here is what the settings are for this product:




How it is possible that a customer ordered this product?!

I am using Prestashop

Thanks for your help!

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They should not be able to, even if the button shows up somewhere. Are they legit customers?

Yes, it is from a legit customer. He has purchased many times before. I have a suspicion that he's using a dated version of Internet Explorer. I wonder if this is causing a bug that's allowing him to still purchase somehow. 

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I wonder... this happened occasionally to me too (though too seldom to investigate).

Maybe it happens when someone put that product in the cart when it was available and then orders it days later (when it's out of stock)?

I was wondering the same thing. I'll test that theory when I get back to my computer this evening. Although I thought the Prestashop cart triggered a warning when an out of stock product was in the cart and didn't let the user complete the order. I could be wrong though.

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