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404 And 301 Redirect

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I have discovered a problem which I just can't get my head around.

I have a prestashop install with a wordpress blog on another directory (so it's - shopishere/blog-is-here/blog-post) and I'm getting a lot of 404 errors which seem to be coming from the blog to the Prestashop.


It's all down to the spelling of the link. When I moved everything over to another server I created the blog directory with a BIG B rather than little. So, people are following a link which was blog-is-here/blog-post but that's been changed to Blog-is-here and it's resulting in a 404.


I have tried numerous times to do a 301 redirect in .htaccess and nothing is working. No matter what I try for a redirect it never takes. I can put it anywhere in the htaccess, use any version of format, and it just doesn't redirect.


Even adding the 301 in the Wordpress still sends that link to the 404 in Prestashop.


Does anyone have any idea how I can redirect a "blog-is-here/blog-post" to a "Blog-is-here/blog-post" and it actually work?



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