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Error!cannot Call Overloaded Function For Non-Object

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Hello All,


Im recently getting this error message very frequently. IT started with Internal Server Error and when checking the error log, this is the most frequent one. 


Cannot call overloaded function for non-object in /home/trw1/public_html/therationwala.com/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 295


Could someone tell me what am i supposed to do with this error message??


Is this something to do with my hosting plan, im on a shared hosting with around 2000 products. Everytime i get this error i get into the PHP processes and kill all the existing process to run the website. Another thing i wanted to tell you is that i was earlier getting 500 error. So i turned on the debug mode and then i found that it was the memory allocation for PHP. So i updated the ini file to allocated 128 MB for php earlier it was 64MB. Also the RAM for the hosting is at 512 MB everytime i get the new error message, it shows the RAM has been completely used. So should i upgrade my existing hosting to give e a better RAM or is it something to do with the scripting. I spoke with GODaddy and they suggested me to get the script optimized as its using a lot of resource. I dont mind getting a higher plan but they suggested that it might be the same even if i upgrade to a better plan, please usggest./ Any help is highy appreciated.


Oh! btw i did delete the htaccess file and i dont think that helped either.



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