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Element theme - Main product page blank

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i've just installed PS and am using a free template "element".
i've added 2 products to test and while they're displaying ok on the home page the actual product pages are blank and i can't figure out why.

any help appreciated.


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  • 4 months later...

I have exactly the same problem.

Added two products ton the standard theme and when you click on them to view more the page is blank.
The left hand modules show, but the central area is an empty div and the right hand column missing.

I have added the currency fix from the forums so default can be £ and also moved the cart module to the left column as an experiment. All was fine. I deleted all the standard prods and added a couple of mine and experienced this problem.
Have tried adding another one but still the same.


Any pointers appreciated.

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Okay, this is due to the currency fix as posted on the following link by Rocky - second to last post 8kb currency.php


I have just done a fresh install which works fine until this currency.php file is used and then it causes the above problem.

So I guess now I have to try and find another fix for the currency issue....aaargrrrh!

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