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Auto-Delete Products?

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I have some troubles filtering which products are supposed to be in our online-shop and which don't.


In our ERP there are lets say about 29.000 Products. Not all of them are supposed to be online because they are too old, out of stock or too heavy.

So we filter them by a field named "e-com - yes or no". When we export a CSV-File, there will only be products with "e-com: yes" included.


This works fine when we start at 0 - with no products in our Prestashop store.


But how do we deal with product-updates?


Lets say, a product once was online but then was set to "e-com: no", even if it might still be on stock. When we export a new CSV-File from our ERP, this product will not be included.

So when I'm going to import this new filter to Prestashop, I can't add the "active: 0" value because...you know...this product is not included ind this file. 


Option 1: Export ALL products and use "active 0/1". This would mean we might have a looot of unnecessary products in our store, even if they weren't visible. Also this would take much more time to import/update. 


Option 2: Allways delete every product in our Prestashop before importing new ones. But...is that a good thing? For a short period of time, there will be 0 products in our store...?


Option 3: ...?


Is there a way to auto-delete every product that wasn't updated?

It's the reverse way of how Prestashop does ist: Update first, then delete. 


Or can I give a product some sort of termination date? 

Let's say the CSV-Export adds a column that uses the current date +2 days. After that, a product is expired...you know?

The export will be daily, so every day this termination day moves.

If a product is not included anymore, it will auto-expire after 2 days since the last update.


Prestashop already offers this column, but if I see correctly, it's meant as the "beginning" and not the "end", isn't it?



So I hope this doesn't sound too complicated and some of you might have an idea.



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