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Products Loading Very Slowly In List View


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Hi All


I'm sure that this question has been asked before and i've scoured the web for an answer but after going through thousands of cache optimizing posts i just havent found anyway to solve my problem.


The issue is that my products are configured to show in list view by default, however this has slowed down the product page tremendously. So it seems that the page tries to render the products as a block first and then takes ages to load it in list view.


I get the following results in debugging mode. Any suggestions?


Load time3324 ms
You'd better run your shop on a toaster
Execution Load time (ms) config 129 constructor 0 init 50 checkAccess 0 setMedia 45 postProcess 0 initHeader 0 initContent 1510 initFooter 390 display 1199
Hook processing1831 ms / 7.01 Mb
42 methods called in 27 modules
Hook Processing displayTop 3.24 Mb in704 ms displayHeader 2.68 Mb in657 ms displayFooter 0.72 Mb in389 ms displayNav 0.15 Mb in42 ms displayLeftColumn 0.15 Mb in33 ms displayProductListReviews 0.05 Mb in4 ms displayProductListFunctionalButtons 0.02 Mb in1 ms displayTopColumn - Mb in 0ms actionProductListModifier - Mb in 0ms moduleRoutes - Mb in 0ms DisplayOverrideTemplate - Mb in 0ms actionProductListOverride - Mb in 0ms displayBanner - Mb in 0ms actionDispatcher - Mb in 0ms actionFrontControllerSetMedia - Mb in 0ms displayProductDeliveryTime - Mb in 0ms displayProductPriceBlock - Mb in 0ms
Memory peak usage18.2 Mb
Execution Memory (Mb) Total (Mb) config 6.06 6.1 constructor - 6.1 init 2.32 8.4 checkAccess - 8.4 setMedia 0.20 8.6 postProcess - 8.6 initHeader - 8.6 initContent 7.53 16.2 initFooter 0.73 17.0 display 1.07 18.2
Total cache size in Cache class- Mb
Smarty cacheenabled
Smarty compilationforce compile
SQL Queries254 queries in 230 ms
Included files: 167 (3.41 Mb)
Global vars : 0.32 Mb
  • $_LANG ≈ 129k
  • $_MODULES ≈ 117k
  • $context ≈ 58k
  • $_SERVER ≈ 7k
  • $_ENV ≈ 7k
  • $_MODULE ≈ 1k


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