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Add Variable To Email Tamplate

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I spend a lot of hours trying to solve the problem. Hope for your help...


I need to add a new variable to email template contact_form.


This variable will generate random number or random code (it doesnt matter). I found "Contact controller" and here I add new variable as a test:

$var_list['{test}'] = $product->name[Context::getContext()->language->id];

It is a copy of "product" variable.


The question:


How to edit it in order to have a random number.


Any ideas...


PS It is necessary to add this variable to make a ticket system. User receives Random number like a "ticket" that his letter was received and he knows the number of his inquery.


PPS I have a few ideas but I am newbie. For example this is Smarty code for random number:



But $var_list uses "$", so it is necessary to add something like <{assign var='random' value=1|rand:20}> and than put $random to $var_list. But how and where...


Best regards,


Edited by 123Kirill312 (see edit history)
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