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Check If Quantity Is Available Before Adding To Cart


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I have a problem with my shop when ordering multiple quantities of products.

When on a product page, no matter which one, and input a quantity for that product that is greater than what is in stock, I have no message or feedback from the site saying that this is not possible. Therefore, some of my clients do not understand what is happening or think the site is not working properly, knowing that most of my products have small stocks.

For example for a productX where I have 2 copies in stock, when I'm on the product page in the FO and put the quantity to order to 5 and I click "add to cart", absolutely nothing happens. No message indicating that the stock is too low or that the stated amount is not available.

Conversely, if one is in the cart and change the amount of any product present there, a message tells me that the stock is too low compared to the amount indicated...

How could I have the same kind of message directly on my product page when I add a product to my cart.

Thank you in advance.

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