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Reset Order And Invoice Nr. (Delete Test Data)

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I know there are a lot of similar topics about this and I've been searching for hours to get a solution on my case but couldn't find one.


The problem is following: I've been testing a lot with orders etc. so a while ago I looked for a method to delete those test-orders. Back then I found a, I think common used, method to "visually" delete the orders by changing "view" for "delete" in the view this order link. I started using this method and deleted every test order I made thinking it was the best way to do it. 


Now, when my shop is ready to go live, I found out that order 1 (which is a test order) has #34 in the back office. I went looking for a solution and found out that I should've cancelled all the test orders instead of using the method earlier described. So now I have this "gap" in my administration which I like to clean up. 


Is there a way, in Prestashop, to get a clean start (also set the invoice and costumer back to 1)? Or maybe to get the old orders back and "cancel" them?


Thank you in advance,



Edited by Stefan-1211 (see edit history)
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