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Shipping Zone To Dayton, Ohio?

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I have 3 shipping options: Free Shipping Continental USA (which I have zones set up for), UPS (all regions) and a Local Dayton, Ohio only delivery that I currently have set as Continental USA.


I would like to add a zone for my local delivery that is more targeted than continental USA. Us it possible to just add a city zone for Dayton, Ohio instead of the whole state? If not, can I add the state of Ohio only without messing up my Continental USA Ohio state option? My FREE shipping option is currently using OHIO under the contental USA zone so I am wondering if I can use the same state for another zone?



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Just set up everything as an area/zone, Prestashop does not care what you call your zones or areas.


If you are trying to split a city into different zones then call them different names and price it accordingly.


Afraid I do not know any areas in "Dayton Ohio" but you could have:


USA : Zone 1

Alaska: Zone 2

Hawaii: Zone 3

Dayton: Zone 4

Dayton: Beaver Creek Zone 5

Dayton: Centreville Zone 6


Anyway, something like that



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Paulito, OK I was kind of thinking along the lines of what you are saying but wasn't sure if I could use cities (since I only see states and countries in the list). I can name each sub-city of Dayton (Centerville, Bellbrook, Beavercreek) as a zone and then apply all the zones. Very cool, let me see what happens.


BTW nice effort, you got two of the local cities listed :)

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OK I have the zone created for Dayon, but I don't see how the cart is going to add the city region. When i set up a zone for continental USA, I then had to go to the states and add states to the zone. I don't know where to add the city of dayton to my dayton code.


If I just add the code but don't assign any regions to it, will it show up when someone uses the city dayton (ohio) in their cart?

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Hmmm. Well I tried adding a Dayton zone and then attached the zone to the local delivery option but it did not work on the front end. The local delivery option was gone. I am thining I have to add an ISO and other identifiers in the state section. Then I tried to just get it to show in the state of Ohio only. Problem is Ohio is already taken with my other shipping zones (contental shipping).


I could not find any posts or videos about someone asking for a city. I think I am just going to have to give up on this pipe dream and make this local option show to the entire continental USA.

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