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Can Not Get Employee Id

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I have a custom module which is working great.  I wanted to add a logging system which tracks who was logged in and what action they are taking within the module.


I have a jquery ajax request to a php file when an action is taken.  Everything logs correctly but the employee id is always empty.


At the top of my php file I have.


global $smarty;
global $cookie;

$context = Context::getContext();

But $context->employee->id always empty.  Am I doing something wrong?

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Thanks for the reply.  This module is for the BO only.


When I output the cookie information, I do not see anything relating to the employee ID.



$this->context->employee->logged ? $this->context->employee->id

does not do anything for me.


Here is my simple php file which is called from the ajax request.


global $smarty;
global $cookie;

$context = Context::getContext();

$test = "BEGIN<BR>";
$test .= $context->cookie->id_employee;
$test .= "<br>";
$test .= $cookie->id_employee;
$test .= "<br>";
$test .= $context->employee->id;

echo json_encode(array($test ));

The only thing I get back is the "BEGIN" part. 

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Thanks for the suggestion, however, that did not work either.  I started looking into the admin index.php file.  And noticed I was not declaring



Once I declared these, my variables came in.


Thanks for all the help!

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