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Discout For Products And Diffrent Discount For Product In Specyfic Category

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I have an existing ERP warehouse system to witch I need to adopt PrestaShop. My ERP system has the ability to give discount for customer on all products. And a specific discount for a group of product witch replaces the main discount.

For example customer "A" gets 3% discount on all product as the main discount assigned to him, and 2% discount on "dog food" and 5% on "cat food". The more specific discount replaces the main discount, he will get 3% on all product exept this two where he gets 2 and 5 percent.


Ho to achieve this functionality in PrestaShop?


I have 5000 customers, 15000 products in 16 categories.



please explain me how to make discount for specify category, but i want to assign one client to many rules. example i have 2 categories A and B and i want give discount USER1 discount 5% for category A and 3% for category B, and for USER2 i want assign  2% for A and 7% for B. Please explain me that easier how to possible?

Edited by MrMgr (see edit history)
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