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Personalized Cms Block Info Icons Not Working


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Hi guys!

Im doing my site with prestashop and i'm trying to customize the cms block info yo tell my customers free shipping, payment secure etc. For some reason is not working  and in the site just show the words not icons at all. Someone can help me with this? here's the codes of how it is now, i don't want it on the footer (attached pic) Thanks for the help!



<li><em class="icon-truck" id="icon-truck"></em>
<div class="type-text">
<h3>Lorem Ipsum</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu</p>
<li><em class="icon-phone" id="icon-phone"></em>
<div class="type-text">
<h3>Dolor Sit Amet</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu</p>
<li><em class="icon-credit-card" id="icon-credit-card"></em>
<div class="type-text">
<h3>Ctetur Voluptate</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu</p>


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  • 1 month later...
I've solved this is how it works.  :)



<li><em class="fa fa-truck" id="icon-truck"></em>

<div class="type-text">

<h3>Doručenie tovaru do 24 hodín</h3>

<p>Pri objednávke tovaru do 15:00 hod. v pracovný deň je doručenie tovaru nasledujúci pracovný deň do 24 hodín.</p>



<li><em class="fa fa-phone" id="icon-phone"></em>

<div class="type-text">

<h3>Praktické informácie vždy k dispocícii</h3>

<p>Pre informácie o objednávke, doručení, platby a iných informácii kontaktujte od 07:00 do 15:45 tel. číslo 00421 38 5 316 165. </p>



<li><em class="fa fa-credit-card" id="icon-credit-card"></em>

<div class="type-text">

<h3>Zákaznícky účet</h3>

<p>V zákazníckom účte môžte spravovať Vaše adresy, objednávky, vernostné body, poukážky atď.</p>




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