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Tinymce Editor Is Different In Product Page And Cms Page


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i would modify our tinymce with a selection button "my button". the button add html code as pattern text for the products. but the function from the tinymce editor is different for a product edit site and the cms edit site.

when i edit a product, the is the editor without my button. when i edit a cms site, the show the editor my button.

the other modifications are ok, this is only the button.

but why?


this is a screenshot




this is my botton in the tinymce.inc.js

	  	setup: function(editor) {
			editor.addButton('mybutton', {
		  		type: 'menubutton',
		  		text: 'My button',
		  		icon: false,
		  		menu: [{
        			text: 'CMS DIV',
        			onclick: function() {
          				editor.insertContent('<div class="cms_info"><h1>Überschrift</h1><p>Hier der Text</p></div>');
      			}, {
        			text: 'CMS col-6',
        			onclick: function() {
          				editor.insertContent('<div class="row"><div class="col-sm-6"><p>Hier der Text</p></div></div>');
      			}, {
        			text: 'Waschsymbole',
        			onclick: function() {
          				editor.insertContent('<div class="cms_wash"><p><span>Waschsymbole:</span><br />Hier die Bilder einfügen</p></div>');
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The editor without the button is exclusively for the products (BO). For categories so the button is displayed.

I do not know where to look, why the button does not appear on all products.


this is the generated HTML Code in the BO


*Edit Product*

<div role="group" id="mceu_47" class="mce-container mce-flow-layout-item mce-last mce-btn-group">
   <div id="mceu_47-body"></div>

*Edit Category*

<div role="group" id="mceu_48" class="mce-container mce-flow-layout-item mce-last mce-btn-group">
   <div id="mceu_48-body">
      <div aria-haspopup="true" role="button" id="mceu_21" class="mce-widget mce-btn mce-menubtn mce-listbox mce-first mce-last mce-btn-has-text" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="mceu_21">
         <button id="mceu_21-open" role="presentation" type="button" tabindex="-1">
            <span class="mce-txt">Vorlagen</span>
            <i class="mce-caret"></i>

The code for the button is not created. Is this due to a controller or any of tinymce? Here is the <textarea> declared incorrectly?

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