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Can't Change Search Bar Position With Css After Upgrade

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I am trying to move the search bar up to be in line with the logo and the cart bar:




I used to move the search bar up by lowering the number at line 165 in themes\default-bootstrap\css\modules\ blockcart \blockcart.css but this no longer works after upgrading from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 even though that setting is still on the same line. Anything I change that number to now has no affect on the positioning of the search bar. I know I am editing the correct file, though, because changing line 7 does affect the position of the cart like it did in 1.6.0. Any ideas?

Edited by madmartian (see edit history)
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I Guess I should have read the post a little closer as not suer why you would edit the blockcart.css to move the search bar.

So try this go to    themes\default-bootstrap\css\modules\ blocksearch\ and edit blocksearch.css      line 2 is the top padding.

Change this from 50 to 15 and it lines up pretty well.



Here is a tip with Google Chrome when on your page right click on an item and choose inspect this will bring up a window with the code in one section and the css for it in another you can then play with the css and get it just right then you will know what file to edit and exactly what to change.


If the widow comes up on the right side of the screen change the dock position to the bottom it is easier to read

To change this on the right top side there are 3 dots click on that then you will see Dock Side.

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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